About JCMR
The Journal of Communication and Media Research is a research-based and peer-reviewed journal published twice-yearly in the months of April and October by the Association of Media and Communication Researchers of Nigeria (CAC/IT/NO 111018). The journal is addressed to the African and international academic community and it accepts articles from all scholars, irrespective of country or institution of affiliation.
JCMR Focus
The focus of the Journal of Communication and Media Research is research, with a bias for quantitative and qualitative studies that use any or a combination of the acceptable methods of research. These include Surveys, Content Analysis, and Experiments for quantitative studies; and Observation, Interviews/Focus Groups, and Documentary Analysis for qualitative studies.
Our Aim
The journal seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of communication and media studies and welcomes articles in all areas of communication and the media including, but not limited to, mass communication, mass media channels, traditional communication, organizational communication, interpersonal communication, development communication, public relations, advertising, information communication technologies, the Internet and computer-mediated communication.
To be the foremost, scholarly, indexed, peer-reviewed and most-read journal emanating from Africa, portraying knowledge, intellect and learning to all humankind irrespective of gender, affiliation and nationality.
To portray the intellect, knowledge and potentials of Africans to the rest of the world; and also bring similar attributes of all humans all over the world to Africa; through every responsible media of communication; in a symbiotic and mutually beneficial relationship for the advancement of scholarship and development of the human race.
Taking Africa to the world, bringing the world to Africa